We have a solid track record characterized by a policy of sustained growth. Throughout these years we have taken care to work on projects defined and carried out efficiently, based on applicable international regulations, completed and delivered on time and whose main purpose has always been the increase in production.
Who we are?
Líderes en Argentina y toda la región, en brindar soluciones integrales a la industria del petróleo, gas, litio e infraestructura.
Líderes en Argentina y toda la región, en brindar soluciones integrales a la industria del petróleo, gas, litio e infraestructura.
Especialistas en desarrollar y ejecutar los proyectos de mayor complejidad técnica, mejorando la calidad de vida de las personas y potenciando el desarrollo económico y social de ciudades, países y regiones.
Our innovative spirit and our contribution to provide financial solutions make us strategic partners of our customers.
Dirigimos nuestras operaciones con una visión de mejora continua con el fin de ser reconocidos por nuestros altos estándares en el mercado internacional.

Provide integral services to the energy and infrastructure industry with the maximum quality standards for the development and growth of Argentina and the entire region.
Ser la empresa protagonista del desarrollo estratégico de la industria de la Energía e Infraestructura en Argentina y toda la región, siendo reconocida por nuestra pasión, excelencia operativa y capacidad técnica.

Compromiso y
Sustained Development
Work policies for long-term business relationships.
Health and Safety
Standards and procedures for the protection and safety of employees.
Operational Excellence
Constant innovation and investment in infrastructure.
Environmental Care
Impact prevention and early detection of deviations and their mitigation.
Through the highest ethical standards and business conduct.
INVERSIÓN: We promote constant innovation, investment in infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment. We promote energy projects that contribute to the development of each country in which we work.
PERSONAL Y CAPACITACIÓN: We direct our processes with a total commitment to the safety of people and facilities. We have competent personnel with technical and communication skills with the client.
SUPPLIERS: we work on the efficient management of services and materials.
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: at the end of each project we always review what we have done, because we always want to improve.
QUALITY: We provide services that meet the highest quality standards.